

Rabu, 02 Desember 2015

Virtual instrument games

If you have watched the video that experts play melodies with Synthesia Piano, you would already be shocked. Synthesia is a fantastic virtual piano that you can play or practice piano with your PC keyboard (or MIDI keyboard). In melody practice, Synthesia waits for you to play the correct note before moving on. It comes with over 100 songs and the Internet has the rest. If you are also an expert piano player, move your fingers on your PC keyboard you can also play Beethoven works. more>>
License: Freeware File size: 3.50MB Downloads: 2,961 Platform: Windows 7, Vista, XP
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Guitar Speed Trainer
Practice and train your guitar speed. Guitar Speed Trainer is a play-along training software that will help you play guitar scales, patterns, licks, and solos at burning speeds. With 20 minutes a day of practice, in a few weeks you will be playing with more speed and Precision that you ever imagined possible. more>>
License: Shareware File size: 1.77MB Downloads: 5,095 Platform: Windows 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Guitar Speed Trainer
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Bass Fretboard Addict
As the name of the software says, Bass Fretboard Addict as you are, will definitely like this software. Bass Fretboard Addict will offer you a fun way to practice the bass fretboard by notes or by fret positions, practice reading standard music notation alongside the fretboard and more. Take this virtual bass fretboard with you on your PC anywhere. more>>
License: Shareware File size: 8.28MB Downloads: 1,072 Platform: Windows Vista, XP
Bass Fretboard Addict
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The drummers are so cool! Now you can show your talent on your PC! D'Accord Drums Player enables you to practice and learn how to play the drums! This software can open and play any MIDI file (.mid), showing how to play the song on the virtual drums. more>>
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Virtual Trumpet
I used to play a virtual trumpet game online which was interesting. With this Virtual Trumpet, you can play trumpet on your PC offline. It is easy to start and also has lots of great features. You can combine general MIDI sounds with Audio (sound library required), add harmony, chords and shapes to MIDI and Audio output, learn the main valve combinations through the entire range of the instrument. more>>
License: Shareware File size: 2.77MB Downloads: 4,809 Platform: Windows XP, 2000, 98
Virtual Trumpet
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Accordion Trainer
You may think it unbelievable to practice the “one-man band” accordion on the PC. It is said that the hardest skill to learn when studying accordion is the basses. Accordion Trainer will help you to master the accordion basses. Not the hard way, but the fun way: a game. more>>
License: Shareware File size: 1.51MB Downloads: 2,088 Platform: Windows Vista, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
Accordion Trainer
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